(An Often-Overlooked Aspect of Estate Planning)
Translating the 4th-Century ad Roman military writer [Flavius Vegetius Epitoma Rei Militaris iii. (Introd.)] qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum,“[H]e who desires peace must prepare for war.”
For small family owned businesses, Business Succession Planning, should be seen as a piece of a larger Estate Planning puzzle. In order to understand Business Succession, we must first look at Estate Planning.
Often times a client will retain you or your law firm to “draft” a Will or Trust. It is important for your client to understand that a Will or Trust is NOT an Estate Plan. In this vane, a Buy-Sell Agreement is not a complete Business Succession Plan.
What is a Buy-Sell Agreement
A buy-sell agreement may be thought of as a sort of "premarital agreement" between business partners/shareholders. It is sometimes called a 'business will'. An insured buy-sell agreement (agreement funded with life insurance on the participating owner's lives) is often recommended by business succession specialists and financial planners to ensure the buy-sell arrangement is well-funded and also to guarantee there will be money when the buy-sell event is triggered.
Where do we find a Buy-Sell Agreement
A Buy-Sell Agreement can typically be found in a company’s Shareholder Agreement.
Basic types of Buy-Sell Agreements
There are two basic types of buy-sell agreements: Entity Redemption and Cross-Purchase. Each type of agreement holds distinct advantages and disadvantages.
1. Entity Redemption - The business enters into an agreement to purchase the share of a shareholder upon a triggering event.
2. Cross Purchase - Individual Shareholders enter into an agreements to purchase the share of a shareholder upon a triggering event.
For a more detailed description please feel free to contact our firm.
For more information, contact us here or call (631) 470-9753.